Good soil, sunny slopes, passionate winegrowers: These are the optimum conditions for the production of good wines. To preserve or even improve their quality, storerooms and wine cellars must be kept at a constant temperature and the humidity must be strictly controlled.
Dry air — even air entering through the side of the barrel — causes the wine to evaporate, and this continues until the humidity inside the barrel is the same as the humidity in the ambient air in the storeroom.
Even bottled wine that has already been corked requires a constant climate, otherwise it will turn to vinegar. Cool, dark, and sufficiently damp — these are the optimum storage conditions for wine. Whether a stationary humidification system will create the appropriate climate or a system connected to the ventilation is required depends on the conditions in situ. But it is certainly a worthwhile investment.
Wine storage
Bottling plant
In the course of industrial bottling or packaging processes, the plant operators must be able to guarantee the most precise air humidity possible in the respective ambient air. Depending on the type of bottled goods and the equipment used for it, only room air that is kept dry above average levels (dehumidification) can ensure optimum process quality. For example, the contact of warm, moist air with colder surfaces, e.g. in breweries, causes condensation to form, thus increasing the risk of puddle formation and corrosion. Too much condensation also reduces the adhesion of the labels to the bottles, among other things; this causes them to easily become detached.
Bottling plant
In the course of industrial bottling or packaging processes, the plant operators must be able to guarantee the most precise air humidity possible in the respective ambient air. Depending on the type of bottled goods and the equipment used for it, only room air that is kept dry above average levels (dehumidification) can ensure optimum process quality. For example, the contact of warm, moist air with colder surfaces, e.g. in breweries, causes condensation to form, thus increasing the risk of puddle formation and corrosion. Too much condensation also reduces the adhesion of the labels to the bottles, among other things; this causes them to easily become detached.
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